
Logo Design for high-end gaming computer line

Logo overlaying a highend gaming PC
Logo overlaying a highend gaming PC
Logo overlaying a highend gaming PC

Project Details


Joule Performance


Gaming Hardware


Logo Design


Saša Dragičević - Logo Design

Project Summary

Joule Performance is a system integrator for gaming and professional PCs from the Swiss. This is their top-of-the-line product, and they wanted to show that.

Idea was for it to show something that is cutting edge, sturdy and modern, to resemble a sports car logo a bit.

Also, because this is a Swiss company and this is their top-of-the-line product, they wanted something to literally depict that, like a peak, a mountain peak, a peak of engineering, a peak of computing, and yes, the Alps have peaks.

Solution was this logo, something that is showing cutting edge and peak at the same time literally while giving the vibe of something that is sturdy and bold.

This project is a showcase of my logo design process.

Step 01 - Sketching

One step exists before this and it's research but it's not so interesting to show here, based on the findings of the research I start sketching possible solutions for this logo.

Logo sketches on a paper
Logo sketches on a paper
Logo sketches on a paper
Step 02 - Concepts

Sketches are refined into concepts, and from here, I decide which is the most suitable to the idea of this project and the characteristics it needs to represent.

Four logo concepts
Four logo concepts
Four logo concepts
Step 03 - Refinement

When the concept is chosen, the process of refinement is what makes the final look of the logo, making sure it's on point.

Process of iteration of logo from concept to final
Process of iteration of logo from concept to final
Process of iteration of logo from concept to final
Step 04 - Finalization

The refined logo is then made to fit both light and dark backgrounds, small and large sizes and also made in all the variations it's needed in.

Logo presentation in positive and negative plus logo variations
Logo presentation in positive and negative plus logo variations
Logo presentation in positive and negative plus logo variations
Logo on a dark backgropund
Logo on a dark backgropund
Logo on a dark backgropund
Logo overlaying a highend gaming PC
Logo overlaying a highend gaming PC
Logo overlaying a highend gaming PC

Need a logo that looks great and shows your brand's essence?